Продолжаем исследование пограничных областей человеческого сознания. Еще одна замечательная группа, на этот раз из Японии -
Zeni Geva. Тоже авангардное молотилово не для слабых духом - тут и хардкор-панк, и нойз, и прогрессив и math-rock. Лидер группы - известный в определенных кругах товарищ по имени KK Null.
Что пишут
Zeni Geva had been together for nearly 14 years and 11 albums prior to this one, but the band's angular, psychedelic noise rock/metal hybrid sounds just as ferocious as ever here. Tight, focused, and apparently pretty pissed off, they tear through the album's eight tracks with the energy of bandmembers half their age. At the same time, though, Zeni Geva understands something many younger bands don't --

which is dynamics: When shifting out of the quieter sections and into full-attack mode on tracks such as "Blastsphere" and "Tyrannycide," Zeni Geva sounds like just about the heaviest band on the planet. Leader K.K. Null keeps his vocals to a strategic minimum, leaving the emphasis on the band's jagged prog/math rock rhythms, the dissonant dual guitar riffs and textures, and Masataka Fujika's massive drumming, which benefits from a patented Steve Albini recording job. Most of this disc is not what you'd call catchy; in fact, a lot of it is downright ugly. But then again, this is Zeni Geva -- what else would you expect? This band has become known for playing ugly, dense, and uncompromising rock & roll, and 10,000 Light Years does not disappoint.
William York, All Music Guide
О диске
Track listing:
1. 10,000 Light Years (6:06)
2. Implosion (3:12)
3. Blastsphere (5:37)
4. Interzona 2 (6:00)
5. Tyrannycide (3:35)
6. Last Nanosecond (5:06)
7. Hazchem (6:50)
8. Auto-Fuck (2:17)
Zeni Geva:
Kazuyuki K. Null - guitar, nullsonic, voice
Mitsuru Tabata - guitar, guitar synthesizer
Masataka Fujikake - drums
All music composed & produced by Zeni Geva
All lyrics written by Kazuyuki K. Null
Recorded at Electrical Audio, Chicago, October 2000
Engineered by Steve Albini
Links in comments. Enjoy!
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